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发布人:邢德峰  发布时间:2022-05-26   浏览次数:242

  全球环境科学高峰论坛系列讲座GloBal Environmental Science SummiT seminar series,  BEST),由威廉亚洲官方网站组织、多家单位联合协办,意在打造全球范围内的精品高端环境论坛,为研究学者、企业家、环境从业者以及员工等提供广泛的国际交流机会。BEST论坛涉及主题包括:气候变化与可持续发展环境与生态健康、减污降碳协同增效、水资源及水处理技术、土壤修复、环境基准与环境安全、环境微生物学、人工智能与大数据等


BEST的邀请BEST第四讲将由来自英国帝国理工学院Frank J. Kelly院士进行

【时  202253020:30-22:30(北京时间)

【直播平台】:腾讯/VooV webinar ID: 138-366-003 (https://meeting.tencent.com/dw/NAaWPmczoqB3)




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注:腾讯/VooV webinar最大容量2000人,请无法进入的观众前往环境人微信视频号或B站(BEST论坛观看直播;登录相应账号,即可在讨论区、弹幕区进行提问参与讨论。



Airborne microplastics: are they the new enemy



微小塑料颗粒微塑料是水生栖息地环境面临的严峻问题。最近,据报道微塑料也存在于室内及室外的大气沉降中,由于其存在吸入风险而引起广泛关注。然而,现对于空气中微塑料的了解仍较少,如时空分布浓度、化学组成成分以及是否处于可吸入颗粒尺寸范围内等仍不清晰。在本次报告中,我们将展示基于英国伦敦的一个城市背景站点采集到的大气沉降过程中的微塑料>25 µm相关数据。通过尼罗红染色、明场荧光显微镜以及傅里叶红外光谱测试,发现纤维微塑料量是非纤维微塑料的十倍。其平均沉降速度相当于706个纤维微塑料/m2/天。此外,本次讲座还将介绍有源采样器与拉曼光谱联用技术的发展,该技术已被证实,在模拟样本中,微塑料检出限可低至2 μm,在环境颗粒物样本中,检出限可低至2.5 μm随着全球在减少道路运输和燃料燃烧排放等方面与日俱增的压力,颗粒物成分可能会随之发生变化。随着塑料使用量的增长,特别是纺织行业(4%/年增长速度),空气中微塑料的相对浓度将变得越来越重要。因此,迫切需要建立全球空气微塑料承受基线并了解它们与环境颗粒物相互作用产生的潜在健康影响。

Microscopic plastic particles – microplastics – are a global issue for aquatic habitats. Recently, they have been reported in atmospheric deposition, and indoor and outdoor air, raising concern for public health due to the potential for exposure via inhalation. However, very little is known about airborne microplastics, including their spatial and temporal concentrations; chemical composition; and, importantly, whether they occur in the inhalable size range. I will present data on the presence of microplastics (>25 µm) in total atmospheric deposition sampled at an urban background site in London, UK. Using Nile Red staining, bright field and fluorescence microscopy and Fourier-transform Infrared spectroscopy, ten times more fibrous microplastics were found than non-fibrous. This equated to an average deposition rate of 706 fibrous microplastics/m2/d, with polyacrylonitrile being the predominant polymer type. I will also present developments for an analytical protocol compatible with Raman microscopy and an active pollen sampler, which has been validated to detect microplastics down to 2 µm in mock samples, and 2.5 µm in environmental particulate matter (PM). As global pressure to reduce road transport and fuel burning emissions increases, PM composition is likely to shift. In combination with a predicted increase in plastic use, especially in the textile sector (4%/year), the proportional concentration of airborne microplastics will become increasingly important. It is therefore timely to establish baseline knowledge of global airborne microplastic burdens and begin to understand what their potential role in PM-associated health effects might be.




Frank Kelly 教授来自英国帝国理工学院,担任全球污染研究中心公共卫生学院的社区健康政策Humphrey Battcock主席。曾担任伦敦国王学院环境健康主席、环境研究组主任、NIHR研究组主任以及MRC环境与健康中心副主任。Frank Kelly教授是欧洲科学院院士2020),英国皇家化学会会士2019),医学科学院会士2018),英国皇家生物学会会士2015),IAQMinstitute of Air Quality Management荣誉会士2021)。曾获得皇家化学学会环境及可持续发展与能源部毒理学奖2021),皇家化学会毒理学奖2020),Haagen-smit奖(2019等。担任清洁空气SPF计划指导委员会委员2020),WHO COVID-19环境与工程控制专家委员会专家组成员2020)等。     

Frank Kelly教授的研究内容涵盖了有关空气污染毒理学到科学政策的各个方面。涉及对空气中颗粒物的检测、柴油和生物柴油废气的排放、木材烟雾的毒性,以及暴露生物标志物的确定等。最近展开对环境微塑料的研究,工作重点为识别并检测其潜在的健康影响。Frank Kelly教授已发表380余篇学术论文、会议论文以及专著,涉及臭氧、二氧化氮和颗粒物大气污染相关毒理学及其产生的健康影响。他曾为世界卫生组织提供有关空气污染问题的政策支持,是健康影响研究所HEI审查委员会的成员。Frank Kelly教授是英国卫生部空气污染物医学影响专家委员会COMEAP的前任主席、欧洲自由基研究协会的前任主席和英国肺研究协会前任主席。

Professor Frank Kelly holds the inaugural Humphrey Battcock Chair in Community Health and Policy, within the School of Public Health in a new global center of air pollution research. He previously served as Chair of Environmental Health at King's College London, where he was Director of the Environmental Research Group, Director of the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Health Impact of Environmental Hazards and Deputy Director of the MRC Centre for Environment & Health. Professor Frank Kelly is a member of Academia Europaea (2020), fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci), Fellow of Royal Society of Biology, IAQM Honorary Fellow, IAQM Honorary Fellow at the IAQM AGM. He received Toxicology Award, Awards Committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s (RSC) Environment, Sustainability & Energy Division, 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry Toxicology Award, 2020and Haagen-Smit Prize. He is committee member of Steering Committee, “Clean Air” SPF programme, 2020. He is also Expert Panel Member of WHO Environment and Engineering Control Expert Panel Committee fOR COVID-19, 2020.

The substantial research activity, over which he presides, spans all aspects of air pollution research from toxicology through to science policy. The experimental research examines the toxicity of airborne particulate matter, diesel and biodiesel exhaust emissions, wood smoke and identifies of biomarkers of exposure. A new area of investigation is ambient microplastics, where work is focusing on their identification, detection and potential health effects. Professor Kelly has published over 380 peer-reviewed papers as well as many conference papers and books (as author or editor) on the toxicology and health effects of ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate pollution. He provides policy support to the World Health Organization on air pollution issues and is a member of the Health Effects Institute (HEI) Review Committee.  He is past Chairman of COMEAP, the UK’s Department of Health’s Expert Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, past President of the European Society for Free Radical Research and past Chairman of the British Association for Lung Research.



















